Friday, November 12, 2010

We Need to Talk

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"Conversation about the weather is
the last refuge of the unimaginative."
~Oscar Wilde~

Someone sent me a list of over 200 "Thoughtful Questions" today. 

Often in my line of work, the business of "health-caring", we get lost in numbers. 

It's important to stop and reflect often. 

I'm challenging you to ponder just one question, and post your feedback here to share with others.

1. If you could express in a motto how you have lived your life, what would that motto be?

2. What does it take to reveal who you are?

3. In the expression, “Do whatever it takes” , what does it take?

4. What engages you?

5. How do we know that our network is getting too big?

6. They say that failure is a good thing. What is your best failure?

7. What would you like most to change about yourself?

8. What are you most daring about?

9. How do our children hold us back?

10. What is the best way to deal with friends who are not life enhancing?

11. When do you want to be misunderstood?

12. Describe a recent “eureka” moment.

13. What burns you out the quickest?

14. What have you done that you hope your kids will never do?

15. Why were you put on this earth?

16. What has shaped the choices you have made?

17. What does beauty mean to you?

18. Describe a pleasure that you do not regularly indulge.

19. Why do we like the words “thank you” so much?

20. What are the advantages of being anonymous?

21. Where do you feel a sense of place?

22. How do you deal with the remains of resentment?

23. What is the most rewarding thing you have done lately?

24. What gives you goose bumps?

25. Name one universal rule for growing old gracefully.

Wouldn't it be interesting to have a conversation with your friends, spouse, lover, children (etc.).....about these things???


Anonymous said...

Trish, I always try to appreciate the opportunities in my life to reflect on what is really important and not just following the footsteps I am "supposed to".

Thank you for one of those opportunities.

My thought bouncing around right now is based on how to live life. We have many things to guide us, Dharma, society, duty, family, etc. However a line caught in my head is based on focusing on the journey not the destination, it assists us to have goals but if we focus on a path that brings us joy while moving closer to our objectives then this is truly a journey that can make us happy. The line for me today is "The joy of life is living it". If we live with wisdom, compassion and yes passion every day can be great.

Mark Andrew said...

Some very good thought-provoking questions here, Trish.

2)What does it take to reveal who you are? It only takes a good conversation over a good cup of coffee. In general I am a very open person if I feel comfortable with the other person.

10) What is the best way to deal with friends who are not life-enhancing? I think it is important to know your limitations, and if you can't be around someone without them dragging you down repeatedly, then as painful as it may be, you may have to cut them out of your life altogether. This is excruciating, but sometimes necessary for your personal health.

15) Why were you put on this earth? I was put on this earth to lead and to be bold. Boldness is the one word that comes to my mind again and again. I'm just at the beginning of living this out I think.

24) What gives you goosebumps? Curling up with a woman I love and simply looking into each others eyes.

Aunt Penny said...

Grow OLD gracefully, live each moment as though it were the last,thankyou doesnt mean as much as I'M SORRY! Let your children grow, dont try to bend them to your idea of what they should become. Live your life and get to know yourself well, learn to laugh and to cry but most of all be genuine. Experience true love if only for a fleeting moment, it is a memory that will carry you through all the times you feel alone and unworthy. Do what makes you happy from within and the rest will naturally into place. Celebrate.......every little thing!

Anonymous said...

I never know what the heck I'm doing with these web/computer sites but I'm gonna try to answer a question or two just the same....

1) Have as good a time as possible, put your friends in a Mason jar and put them on a shelf & for Lord's sake don't hurt anybody.

2) Replace coffee with a cup of trust. Otherwise you don't need to totally know who I am. Besides, there's major advantage in keeping yer' powder dry.

3) Quitting an advertising company who actually had that line as part of their corporate motto.

10) Can't believe someone formulated this question. Proper friends = trust, laughter, things in common. If someone is not enhancing these, then the person is just another human being out there. Why is he/she your friend?

13) The rare time thinking I'm still 187 lbs., mid-20's and travelling on that boat to Capri.

16) A good solid loving family upbringing plus coming of age in the mid 70's with an eye to the decade before.

18) Unabandoned sensuality with someone I completely care for & trust. That, and lil' cigars.

19) I tells me I'm dealing with someone who is not only grateful, but perhaps has a tad of couth.

20) Somehow I connect it with not being arrogant, no offense to those that leave their mark. Also, you tend to make up really great quotations.

21) Home, San Fran, the ROM. Also, near any body of water, usually surrounded by sand or trees.

25) Know that you can't beat Mother Nature and then learn how to laugh at yourself.